My Little Box - October Edition

I began subscribing to My Little Box in August, and the first box I received was fantastic! I loved everything, and I couldn't wait for September. Unfortunately, the September box was very underwhelming, and I know many of the subscribers were unhappy...but I stuck with them. And I'm really glad I did! October's box is amazing!

Now, when I say box, it didn't actually come in a came in a beautifully designed zip bag.

So, on to my box of goodies:-

Nude By Nature Perfecting Primer

I'ved used this  few times, however not consistently. It has a beautiful texture, and I love the way it goes on to my skin. It claims to 'create a flawless help extend makeup wear and disguise imperfections' I think I need to use this primer with one of my foundations, for a full week, to see the actual effects.

My Little Beauty Hand Cream

Oh my god, I love this! My Little Beauty always include one of their own products in the box, and this is amazing. It comes in a lovely tube which has the same artwork as the theme of the box. It's very creamy, with a light scent to it. It glides into the skin really well and leaves my hands feeling ever so soft. The only downside for me, is that I'm unable to re-purchase, once it's all gone.

Asos Make-up Liquid Pen Eyeliner

With Asos releasing the new Face and Body range, I was excited to see one of their products in the box. I have to say I am almost useless with liquid eyeliners! After over 20 years of using makeup, I've always stuck to pencil eyeliners, used on the lower water this is all new to me. I did try it out, with not so great results. However, I'll try and persevere with it, and do a review at a later date. but for now, I'll just say it's a nice product to own.

Pure Heals Propolis Rose Callus Mask

I am a big fan of sheet masks, so I was over the moon to see this in my bag. I can't comment on it, as yet, because I'm saving it for a proper pamper evening (which may be very soon, as it's been a hectic week at work, this week!) I did look to see if anyone had reviewed it online, however I couldn't find much at all. So, there'll be a review from me, once I've used it.

Thoughts Journal

Now, I love writing books and journals, so this was a fabulous edition to my bag! I haven't used it yet, I just haven't had any spare time at all. It has the same artwork, again, to tie in with the theme of this month. I think I'll maybe keep it for blogging ideas. It's just so lovely!

So, that's my October edition of My Little Box. Do you currently subscribe? What products have you enjoyed? Leave me a comment below.

Kelly x


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