Lounge Additions - Gorgeous Autumn Colours

Little by little, I've recently been trying to make some additions to my lounge. It's difficult, it's either lack of time, or money...or sometimes both! Thankfully, the little things I'm going to show you today, came about, quite accidentally!

These gorgeous little coasters, were actually a birthday present, from one of the customers, at my work. The lady in question, went away on a trip to Madrid with her husband, and while she was there, saw these and thought of me. I am so pleased she did, as I adore them. The colours are absolutely amazing, and they fit very well on my coffee table.

While I was away, for my birthday weekend, we visited Lacock in Wiltshire. Such a gorgeous little place, and it had a few little shops, which I had to pop into. One of them was a little gift type shop, and I found a fab little wax melt warmer, for only £3.45! It had one wax melt with it, and one tea light, too, (which I used before taking the photo, below!)

Again, the colour is very me, and very autumnal, too! The wax
 melt it came with, melted quite quick, and didn't really have that much of a scent to it, so I was on the look out for beautifully smelling wax melts.

A quick trip into Woodbridge, and popping into Savers solved my dilemma! They had lots of different ones, but the ones I purchased, were simply amazing!

They are called Mum's Baking, and have baked pear, pie crust, and vanilla scent. Simply gorgeous!

I have only used one strip, so far, from the pack and my lounge, still has the smell, long after the wax melted away. These are made by Air Wick, and are called Life Scents. I'll certainly be picking up some more of this brand.

What new items have you purchased, or been gifted for your home? 

Kelly x 


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