Makeup Brushes | Shannon

My Brushes | Shannon

I have always been told that applying makeup with brushes makes it look so much better and so that's what I've always done. However, recently in August it was my birthday (I may have already mentioned this haha) and so I decided to treat myself to some nicer ones. It makes me laugh thinking about the conversations I had with my mum's boyfriend in which he stared in disbelief and said (and I quote) "Why on earth do you need that many?!" Let's just say he's not 'into it' as much as mum and I are. 

When searching for makeup items or brushes (especially online) I always read reviews to help me decide and I found a very reasonably priced set with great reviews from Spectrum Collections. This is what they look like:

Spectrum Collections 'Attention Seeker' Essential Set.

I absolutely love these brushes! You get 10 and they're amazingly soft and there is a good range. From left to right: A01 Large Powder Brush, B01 Flat Top Buffer Brush, A05 Angled Blush Brush, A06 Large Eyeshadow Brush, B03 Mini Flat Top Buffer Brush, B06 Soft Blending Brush, B04 Angled Blending Brush, A17 Angled Eyebrow Brush, A15 Lip Definer Brush and finally A09 Angled Eyeliner Brush. They retail at £39.99 on most websites which I think is good for 10 brushes as it means you're really only paying around £4.00 for each brush.

As a birthday gift my mum bought me a Real Techniques brush set which I LOVE! They are such good quality and so worth the money. This is what they look like (the mini triangle foundation/concealer brush isn't included as I use it for skincare and I'll do a whole other post about that): 
Real Techniques 'Bold Metals' Travel Collection

I have the 300 and the 201. They're very nice and luxurious. In my collection I also have some odd brushes that I use occasionally. This is what they look like:

From left to right: Spectrum Collections Unicorn Tears Sponge (I only really use this when doing makeup on others as I don't like it for myself), Rosie For Autograph Eyeshadow Brush, Spectrum Collections A05 'Bombshell' Brush, Morphe 217 Brush, Eco Tools Eyebrow Comb. I mainly use the eco tools brush and the Spectrum Brush.

TA DA! That's my brushes! I hope you enjoyed reading about them. Comment which brushes you like and are using at the moment! I hope to have you on my page again soon 

x Shannon


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