Blogging - My Amateur Status

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 We have had our blog for a fair few weeks now, however we haven't actually worked on it, a lot. I normally use the desktop computer, and Shannon has her MacBook Air, however since we moved a few months ago, and with our little house being a bit compact, I don't have a proper desk. So, I ordered a wireless Bluetooth keyboard, and an iPad stand from Ebay at the weekend. The cost was £2.99 for the stand, and £8.89 for the keyboard...what a bargain!

I set them up on the side of the sofa, so that way,  I can blog, drink tea, and watch Now TV, all at the same time. Heaven. I will admit, I still don't know what I'm doing, most of the time...Shannon is way more savvy than me!

I thought I'd try and learn more, by reading other blogs. These are my favourites.

FoundbyKatie on Instagram

These fantastic ladies have taught me a variety of tips and tricks. My absolute favourite, has to be Miss Budget Beauty, I could watch and read Mikhila's blogs all day long.

If you have any tips for a newbie, or if you'd like to recommend any blogs you think I'd like, please pop me a comment x


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